Optimizing My Strength Training & Elevating Daily Habits

A Guide to Healthy Habit Streaks and Glucose Optimization

In this new season of life, I find myself gravitating towards strength training and weight lifting, veering away from the intense cardio and HIIT classes that once dominated my routine. As I embark on this journey, I'm embracing a holistic approach to health, focusing on optimizing my daily habits with a special emphasis on glucose levels. 

I’ve been looking for ways to elevate my daily habits and routines to be in alignment with what I truly need to live at my best. I’ve recently added The Veri Program and their continuous glucose monitor (CGM) to help stabilize blood sugar levels and achieve my health goals through every new transition and season of my life.

The key to sustainable change lies in starting small. The small habits that seem mundane or boring are often overlooked because we’re programmed to look for that quick fix. Our journey to feeling stronger, more energized, and calmer & clearer is just that, a journey. 

Here’s everything I’ve been doing to create elevated, healthy habit streaks:


Breaking down new habits into manageable chunks makes them less daunting. For instance, achieving a goal of 10,000 steps a day becomes more achievable when spread throughout the day. Habit stacking not only makes the goal more manageable but also instills a sense of accomplishment with each completed segment.


Listen to your body instead of all the nutrition noise because you can. Why let your power go to the diet industry when you are lucky enough to be able to give your body what it is truly craving on a spiritual and cellular level? I’ve been using Veri to help re-evaluate the foods that support my metabolism as I approach my 40s. Our bodies are ALWAYS changing. With Veri, I’m able to learn how different meals affect my health with real-time data. My approach has and will always be intuitive eating, which always means using tools to support what works best for MY body and MY needs.


Anytime I want to integrate a new habit or ritual I anchor it to something that brings me joy or fulfillment. For example, a morning meditation with my superfood coffee in the LA sunshine, which also helps my circadian rhythm by getting natural light first thing in the morning. Or walking around my neighborhood while catching up with my girlfriends. 


Incorporating strength training into my routine has made a huge difference on my holistic health. Studies have shown that resistance training is the most efficient at helping you to lose fat mass and retain muscle mass, which improves your body composition, increases your calorie burn, improves glucose absorption into the muscles, and regulates blood glucose. 

I’ve been using Veri to help track my exercise and activity with research-backed biomarkers and provide a plan that works in alignment with my lifestyle. It’s like having your own personal trainer with you!


Sleep is SO important to our mind, body and soul and deep, restorative sleep should be an absolute non-negotiable but often gets pushed to the back of your mind. Sleep is connected to so much in our body including our eating habits. Studies have shown that those who are well-rested have lower stress and better portion control and will select healthier food options than those who are sleep-deprived!


It’s so important to reward yourself along the journey. Small, impactful rewards tied to each habit make the end goal seem less distant. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small, as they contribute to the overall success of your healthy habit streak.


Embarking on the journey to optimize strength training and elevate daily habits is a personal and transformative experience. By focusing on metabolic health and incorporating small, meaningful habits, I’ve been able to create a healthy habit streak that contributes to improving my overall well-being. 

Find what works for you. Take the habits you’re doing already and ADD to them to more align with how you want to feel in life. Do the things that feel GOOD to you.


Rising from Within


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