My offerings


You deserve to feel your absolute best.



Feeling stuck in how to live with more intention? Moving through a powerful portal of change or loss and ready to take POWER over it? Are you ready to exude confidence? To own your power? To trust yourself? To love your life?

If you’re ready to embark on a journey on intuition mastery and integrative healing, working with me privately will offer you the guidance, support, validation, honesty and tools needed to feel aligned in your next steps.

I am passionate about helping women expand and support them in becoming the best, most empowered, version of who they're meant to be. Just think of me as the loving, strong and the ultimate truth-giving, best-friend you've been manifesting. My greatest joy is to share my wide array of tools, tricks and experiences with my clients to help them navigate their own healing and transformation, and to hold their hand as they evolve quickly. Through somatic practices, spiritual modalities and applying my knowledge of over 20 years in the wellness industry, I thrive when each of my clients thrive. It would be my honor to guide you, be your mirror, and reflect back your blind spots so you can expand beyond your wildest dreams.

This mentorship container was created to support women who are ready to step out of their comfort zone, break free from survival mode, commit to change, evolve rapidly and support one another.


  • Private 45-min Discovery Assessment Session: Dive deep into understanding yourself

  • 1:1 Coaching: Weekly private recorded sessions (Sessions are done live via video Zoom or audio when necessary.  In person meetings are available upon request.)

  • 24/7 Client Portal: support & accountability: Unlimited text and email support 

  • Personalized & Intentional Weekly Soulwork: Books, podcasts, weekly rituals, embodiment practices, soul writing prompts and take home exercises

  • Deep dive into what is preventing you from the life you desire. Work to overcome barriers holding you back.


Intuitive Transformation with Sophie Jaffe: A 4 Week Sacred Mentorship Container


4-week sacred container and private coaching with Sophie Jaffe for transformation + radiant living.

An energetic, pragmatic, and intuitive approach to unlocking your true potential. 

Pay-In-Full $2,222.00

Payment Plan Available

This container includes:

  • Weekly 2-hour LIVE High-Level Group Coaching Sessions with rituals, meditations, teachings, tools and coaching to create and support major upgrades (value of $1700)

  • One Month Sacred Container with fellow like-minded women and expansion-seekers. Meet powerful, beautiful souls & make lasting friendships.

  • Bi-Weekly Email Check-Ins with inspiration, notes, journal prompts & more

  • One LIVE Intuitive Movement Yoga Class all about connecting our bodies in motion with our inner essence. In this class, we’ll move through poses that will help us tap into our core, our truth, and provide us with insights of who we really are. Our movement will increase our focus throughout the day, assist us in setting intentions and bring us back to what is most important in our lives. (value of $25)

  • FREE COPY of The Philosophie 5 Day Reset E-Book which offers FIVE full days of resetting your body's metabolism, eating habits, and thoughts around food. Your body will be flooded with nutritious whole foods so you can feel refreshed and come out of it a healthier you. (value of $29)

  • FREE COPY of Digital Detox Guide with tips for your own digital detox including a letter from Sophie Jaffe, a meditation ritual, and 5-minute check-in practice. (value of $15)

Plus these BONUSES because I love you...

Downloadable Tools & Resources to support your monthly journey of transformation. (value of $333)

FREE BOTTLE of Philosophie Sunshine Drops (value of $21)


The Path:

Week 1: Nervous System Healing

Week 2: Spiritual Healing (Digital Detox Challenge)

Week 3: Digestive + Physical Body Healing (Philosophie 5 Day Reset Challenge)

Week 4: Strength + Integration



intuitive movement